This picture could be captioned “A Girl with her Quilt”. I think it expresses the joy that a person gets from a quilt of their own, whether it be a bereavement quilt like the one above or a collection quilt like the one below, which was made out of Rosie’s baby clothes:
Rosie loves her quilt
And sometimes the person getting a quilt doesn’t quite understand what she or he has but just loves the way it feels:

Kiersten on her minky baby quilt

Newborn Aidan with his polka-dot minky quilt
But no one can appreciate a quilt as much as a bereaved mother. Below Peggy shows off her cherished ‘Megan’ quilt:

Peggy with her “Megan” Quilt
Nor can a high school senior get a better graduation gift, a quilt to take with her as travels far away to college:

Taylor Displaying her T-Shirt Quilt
And then there’s two-year old Charlotte, who loves her “beautiful yellow quilt”, made from her granddaddy’s shirts.

Charlotte loves her “beautiful yellow quilt”

Charlotte on her quilt
In the bottom picture, Charlotte’s quilt is laid on top of her mother’s quilt, which was also made from Charlotte’s granddaddy’s shirts.
Every quilter knows the best part of making a quilt for someone is their appreciation. I want to thank all my wonderful customers and friends and family for their kind words and generous praise of the work I do. Those shown on this blog represents just a few.