Young Peter’s quilt
After finishing quilts for my client’s son and daughter (see previous blog), I made a small quilt for her grandson Peter out of the granddad’s red silky pajamas and some black and white shirts. The grand kids called him “Poppie” and so I embroidered “Remembering Poppie” on the lower left block.
Detail of Young Peter’s quilt
My client wrote that “Lil Peter slept over that night all wrapped up in his Poppies quilt.”
The first quilt I made for Brooklyn, who was about two years old, incorporated bits of her grandmother’s wedding dress and pieces of her granddaddy’s red pajamas as well as flowery squares from his swimming trunks. The ruffles along the black triangles in the centerpiece came from the wedding dress, as did the cream satin borders. The black triangles were from his black and silver dress shirt.

Brooklyn’s Quilt
After I made this quilt, I realized that it wasn’t a quilt a little girl could cuddle up to, so I made a small, simple quilt out of granddad’s shirts for Brooklyn to take to bed with her.

Brooklyn’s Cuddly Quilt Back
The colors are a tinted purple, but the ones that show up in this print are not true – the cream colored blocks contain no purple!

Brooklyn’s Cuddly Quilt -Front
On the front I used a favorite children’s panel.
When I sent the final quilts – these last two for Brooklyn, I received this reply from my client Debbie: “Brooklyn cuddled right into your quilt with the animals and whispered Poppie. I think he was there with her. Kendall said it felt like you are family and know us so well. Thank you once again for all your hard work, creative ideas and thoughtfulness.”
This kind of appreciation is what makes my job so very special. Needless to say, I love my job!