Bereavement T-Shirt Quilt Made from Mom's Clothes

Missy wanted a simple t-shirt quilt made from her beloved mother’s clothes. She asked if I wanted the t-shirts or the sweatshirts, and I told her both. Above is one of the simplest quilts I’ve made and also one of the most beautiful. Each shirt she sent me was interesting, colorful, and in very good condition. The shirts themselves were the quilt.

Bereavement T-shirt Quilt DetailSee what I mean?

Bereavement T-shirt Quilt Detail

What fun!

Bereavement T-shirt Quilt Detail

Two of the blocks were made from denim shirts – as above in the lower right block and below in the lower left block.

Bereavement T-shirt Quilt Detail

I wonder how many people have this Elvis T-shirt?

Bereavement T-shirt Quilt Detail

I chose this color for my backing, see below with label.

Berevement T-Shirt Quilt label